Blogs - Part 4
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What to Expect at the Police Academy

Last Updated: October 14, 2012

In order to ensure that police officers are well trained and have obtained the necessary knowledge, candidates are required to attend a police academy. Different areas have different police academy requirements because of different rules and regulations, but for the most part you will receive similar training at all of them. Following Rules Attending a [….]

What to Expect During the Police Officer Medical Evaluation

Last Updated: October 4, 2012

Becoming a police officer requires a medical evaluation, as police duties are physically challenging. The medical evaluation is performed in order to ensure the police department that you are healthy and fit enough to perform the duties that will be required of you. The medical evaluation is similar to having a physical done for an [….]

What to Expect During the Police Officer Psychological Evaluation

Last Updated: September 30, 2012

  Many police departments require their recruits to undergo a psychological evaluation as they are designed to test the recruit’s mental stability and evaluate how the recruit handles stressful situations. The psychological evaluation helps the police department make sure that they are hiring the right person, as it reveals the individual’s personality traits such as [….]

Last Updated: September 21, 2012

  The police oral board interview is conducted with trained investigators, which means that the interviewers are trained at interrogating individuals to find out information that they want and need to know. Interviewing in front of a regular interview panel can be stressful, but interviewing in front of the panel for the police oral board [….]

Factors that Could Disqualify You on a Police Background Investigation

Last Updated: September 15, 2012

As a part of the application process to become a police officer for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or a provincial police department, you will be subject to a background check. The background check includes a complete background investigation and a fingerprint check. During a background investigation, police candidates can be disqualified for several reasons [….]

Common Polygraph Questions Asked to Police Officers

Last Updated: September 5, 2012

  The Royal Canadian Mountain Police, Canadian provincial police forces and police departments in the United States usually always require police candidates to take a polygraph test before the hiring decision will be made. Each police force department has their own questions and the type of questions usually depend on the examiner performing the polygraph [….]

How to Become a Canadian Police Officer

Last Updated: August 20, 2012

  Canadians who are interested in the law enforcement field as a police officer have the option to join the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or one of the provincial police forces. The various law enforcement agencies each have their own recruiting requirements, but many of them are consistent throughout the field.   In order to [….]

A Day as a Police Officer

Last Updated: August 15, 2012

  A police officer’s day begins usually in the morning or evening, as most police officers work a 12-hour shift. A police officer will start their shift by putting on their uniform. A police officer’s uniform not only includes their clothing, but it also includes their bullet proof vest, their belt that houses their handcuffs, [….]

Exercises to Keep Police Officers Fit

Last Updated: August 8, 2012

  As a police officer, keeping fit is a priority not only for your own safety and health, but also for the safety and protection of others that depend on you to be physically fit. You will encounter situations throughout your career as a police officer that will require you to defend yourself, run from [….]

New: APCAT Test – Alberta Police Cognitive Ability Test

Last Updated: March 16, 2012

Police Ready is proud to release their new Alberta Police Preperation package. Both the Edmonton Police and the Calgary Police use the APCAT Test (Alberta Police Cognitive Ability Test) and ACT (Alberta Communication Test) to assess potential candidates. The Alberta Police Package Includes: 5 full-length APCAT Practice Exams 25 police Written Communication Tests (WCT) with sample solutions [….]

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