Best Preparation for Written Communication Test (WCT) by Police Ready
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WCT – Written Communications Test

The choice to become a Police Officer is a very important one. As a Police Officer you will be faced with many obstacles and scenario’s on a daily basis. It is very important that you are clear when taking notes and writing reports.


In the Written Communication Test (WCT), a scenario is presented along with various facts which are disorganized and in no particular order. Your task is to reconstruct what happened and make logical conclusions based on the given information. The test will measure your problem-solving ability to organize information in a clear, coherent, and comprehensive manner.

Be sure to use correct spelling and grammar, and also make sure the examiners can read your handwriting. Just like writing any other reports, make good use of paragraphs to avoid clustering your content together.

Test Information:

This test must be completed within one hour and successful result is valid for three years.

NoteIf you are unsuccessful in your first attempt, you must wait at least 3 months before you can rewrite. For any subsequent attempts, you must wait at least 6 months before you can rewrite.


What Premium WCT Material we offer:

Written Communication Test (WCT) Prep

  • 5 full-length WCT 3-step Practice Exams
  • 3-Step Exams include:
    • Downloadable Fact and Report Sheets
    • Completed Key Fact Sheets from WCT Scenerio
    • Full detailed solutions and fact sheet written by a current police officer
  • 25 additional police WCT Tests with detailed solutions

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