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Women in Policing Series

Last Updated: June 2, 2009

To start off the month of June, we will be having a new blog series called Women in Policing. As the series title suggests, we will be writing about various topics related to female police officers or any other law enforcement officers. As an introduction, our first blog in this series will explore the demographics [….]

Defining a Good Cop Series

Last Updated: February 23, 2009

Police Ready has started a new blog series called “Defining a Good Cop“. The purpose of this series is to take an in-depth look at many different traits and identify whether these traits are positive or negative with regards to becoming a good police officer. How do you even define a “good trait” for a [….]

Police Ready Training System Gets a Bold New Look

Last Updated: February 19, 2009

If you have tried our Police Ready training system before, then you will notice that something looks different once you log in again. Our Police Ready training system has been updated with a slightly new look and feel. The new user interface is now much sleeker which increases visual simplicity. It also helps to concentrate [….]

Contest Winner Announcement

Last Updated: February 2, 2009

Congratulations to Tyler H. for winning our Police Ready contest in January 2009. He just scored himself a FREE one-year membership to our Police Ready training system. Congrats Tyler, we hope you enjoy access to our training material to make your lifelong dream of becoming a police officer a reality. Our promotional contest is not [….]

Good News for Canadians!

Last Updated: January 30, 2009

We had explained in an earlier post why Police Ready was charging US dollars (for logistical reasons) even though we are providing training for Ontario police tests. We are glad that you expressed your concerns to us, and we have certainly taken those concerns into consideration, and now Police Ready is happy to announce that [….]

Two New PATI Tests Added

Last Updated: January 21, 2009

We have added two new PATI practice tests to our Police Ready system. If you are already a registered Police Ready member, these two additional tests can be found in the Practice Exams section for you to practice at anytime. If you are not yet registered, you may sign up for a free account to [….]

Introducing the New Police Ready Portal

Last Updated:

If you have visited our Police Ready website before, you may notice some major changes that was made to our website template, but that is only a small part of the series of changes implemented. We know that having updated studying materials and training for the Ontario PATI, B-PAD, WCT, and Psychological tests are essential [….]

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