Royal Canadian Police – The Memory Test
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Royal Canadian Police – The Memory Test

Do you remember your parents ever telling you to pay attention at school? Well mine did frequently. I wasn’t lazy or stupid but my mum and dad just wanted me to do well and succeed. Whether I did or not is for others to judge, but I know they were both very proud when I passed my police exams.

As I sat those exams I remember those words of encouragement ringing in my ears. To be honest part of the aptitude test I took for the Royal Canadian Police needed just what mum and dad had said.

My attention is what was needed and what was given. I enjoyed the first book. We had to memorize some text and pictures for five minutes. It was great because I never forget a face. Especially when that person owes me money!!!!

Unlike some exams where you can’t really see the relevance of the questions, this first book of the Mountie aptitude test really makes a lot of sense. It is totally relevant to police work as you have to memorize four criminal profiles and six vehicle descriptions. Book one is just the warm up act though as you have two more books to work through as part of the aptitude test.

More on that though next time folks!

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