The Much Feared Police Analytical Thinking Inventory
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The Much Feared Police Analytical Thinking Inventory

While much feared, the police analytical thinking inventory (PATI) isn’t as bad as you may think. You will find that out by taking the free PATI test on the Police Ready website ( The good thing about the free PATI test is that you may take it more than once to get a taste of what the actual police analytical thinking inventory test is all about.

The purpose behind the free PATI test and the actual Police Analytical Thinking Inventory is to get a measure of your analytical thought processing ability. It’s more than that though. Both the free PATI test and the police analytical thinking inventory also gauge aptitudes critical for a career in policing. The free PATI test and the actual police analytical thinking inventory take 90 minutes.

During those 90 minutes you will cover a wide variety of questions on the free PATI test and the actual entrance police analytical thinking inventory. There are three crucial areas covered in the free PATI test and they include deductive, inductive and quantitative reasoning. These are the same areas you will find when you sit down to write for the real timed police analytical thinking inventory exam later.

Deductive reasoning in the free PATI test and the actual police analytical thinking inventory focuses on the ability to draw conclusions from information provided. Inductive reasoning is your ability to identify trends or common characteristics in a series of objects. You will learn this right away when you take the free PATI test online and will find it again in the timed entrance police analytical thinking inventory exam.

Quantitative reasoning for the free PATI test and the entrance police analytical thinking inventory deals with the ability to use basic math to solve problems like stopping distances and rates of speed. While this may sound intimidating, if you study online at Police Ready and take the free PATI test as many times as you need to, taking the real timed entrance police analytical thinking inventory exam won’t faze you.

The gurus behind Police Ready realize what you are going through when you are trying to become a cop. They designed the site to bring you peace of mind when taking the free PATI test and offer enough police prep material to assist you in taking the police analytical thinking inventory with no fear.

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