Ready to get Ready at Police Ready?
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Ready to get Ready at Police Ready?

Ready to deal with exam stress and whip it into shape? Then we can help you at Police Ready with our free police practice test and even the WCT test. No seriously, there is no way you need to be stressed for your entrance exam, not when we have some great tips for you for the police practice test and the WCT test.

Think about this, focus your mind solely on the police practice test, count the number of questions you have and the amount of time to take the test. This is also applicable for the WCT test. Make a mental note of how much time you have to take the police practice test and then allow roughly 10% of that time to double back and re-check answers. You can use this same method for the WCT test as well.

Mental control of your stress is the most important thing you can do for your sanity when faced with the police practice test and the WCT test. Take one thing at a time and read the questions slowly and carefully when you are taking the police practice test and the WCT test. While it may seem like you are taking “hours” to read and write an answer on the police practice test and the WCT test, you are actually taking mere minutes.

Try and get enough sleep the night before the entrance exam. Yes, we know, easier said than done, but if you get experience with writing the police practice test and the WCT test on the Police Ready website, this process won’t seem as nerve wracking. Here is a good tip for you when taking the police practice test and the WCT test online with us. Hide the timer; otherwise it will drive you bats. Give yourself one less thing to have to keep track of and just go to it.

Just try and go with the flow and approach taking the police practice test and the WCT test logically and things will, amazingly start to come together for you. Once you get a good idea of how to handle the police practice test and the WCT test you will find the answers start to come a whole lot quicker. If at any point you need help from us, just ask.

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