Information on the B-PAD Test – the Behavioral Personnel Assessment Device
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Information on the BPAD Test – the Behavioral Personnel Assessment Device

This particular test, the BPAD test, is only written if you have already successfully passed the PATI (your entrance exam), the WCT and the prep tests. The BPAD does not require that you have any police knowledge, just common sense. Basically, what the BPAD test does is tests your ability to respond to every day police situations. A successful outcome on the BPAD is valid for three years.

The BPAD test, aka the police psychological test, shows simulations on a TV monitor and asks recruits to respond verbally to the BPAD test. Responses to the BPAD test are videotaped and scored. The BPAD gives testers a sense of whether or not a recruit will be effective when working with a diverse range of people. How the BPAD does this is by assessing a candidate’s people skills and level of common sense. The BPAD is not a personality test.

Really, the major thrust of the BPAD test is whether or not the potential recruit has the ability to handle people with respect and honesty etc. One thing to note about the BPAD is it offers insights into behavioral abilities and skills that do not get measured by a psychological test. This isn’t anything to be afraid of and just means that the BPAD test is used for a different purpose than the other police exams. The BPAD is a major stepping-stone on the journey to becoming a certified police officer.

Every Ontario recruit who wants to be a cop winds up taking the BPAD test and that’s why at Police Ready (, we offer sample BPAD exams for practice. In fact, we have more than 30 video BPAD tests. This offers every recruit a broad range of scenarios to work with as they are studying for the BPAD.

You may actually find taking the BPAD test rather interesting, as it tells you a lot about other people’s behavior towards cops. Every BPAD scenario is different and your response will be gauged and recorded on camera. Don’t let that bother you, as once you start the BPAD test, you get too involved in it to notice the camera. Once you are done the BPAD, you are scored on your responses by the examiners.

Police Ready prides itself on being able to provide you with the latest in BPAD test scenarios and offers you as much variety as possible to make taking the BPAD a lot less stressful than you might expect. If you’re serious about becoming a cop, then one of the best ways to achieve this goal is to check out the Police Ready website, find out about the BPAD test and then take several BPAD exams. You know that old saying, practice makes perfect.

Below is a sample BPAD scenario.

What Premium BPAD Material we offer:

Behavioural Personnel Assessment Device (BPAD) Prep

  • 5 full-length BPAD 3-step Practice Video Exams
  • 3-Step Exams include:
    • One video with Scenario
    • One video with sample correct response from a current Police Officer
    • One video with possible incorrect responses that may be said
  • 6 additional police BPAD Tests Videos with explanations on how to response
  • 6 additional police BPAD written Tests with sample correct response from a current Police Officer

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