Take a Free PATI Test, Sample PATI Exam and Questions
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Free Police Tests to Prep for the PATI at Police Ready

Getting ready for your Ontario police PATI is a long process, but it doesn’t have to be difficult when you have access to free police tests at Police Ready. Taking the free police tests is a smart move and makes you better prepared for the actual tests.

If you haven’t discovered the free police tests at Police Ready, make time to visit the website. Once you have tried the free police tests, they will give you insight into what to expect for the actual exams. Having the ability to access free police exams prior to taking the actual entrance exam builds confidence.

Police Ready is evolving into a one-stop police information portal that will ultimately contain everything you need. Free police tests are just the tip of the iceberg. Police Ready offers job postings, police prep material and access to numerous free police tests to gauge your skills.

Our home page offers a special feature that allows a visitor to take free police tests, in particular, a sample police PATI. This gives you a good idea of how the exam is structured for your real timed test later. Taking the free police tests fine-tunes your skills in a stress free atmosphere – at home on your computer.

Take advantage of the sample WCT test. The WCT test provides facts in no particular order and is very disorganized. It’s your job on the WCT test to put the pieces of the puzzle together and have it make sense. The WCT test is looking for you to make logical conclusions based on the information you have. The WCT test also offers group discussions to swap ideas.

The WCT test measures your problem-solving abilities and how you organize information. Ultimately, the results of the WCT test should show the information is presented in a comprehensive, precise and clear way. One thing to remember about the WCT test is that your spelling and grammar must be correct. Not only that, but the WCT test examiners need to be able to read your handwriting. You have an hour to write the WCT test so don’t jam all your paragraphs together.

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