Are You Police Prep Ready?
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Are You Police Prep Ready?

If the upcoming police entrance exam has you spooked, then give this some thought. If you want to find a good place to get police prep material, then Police Ready ( has precisely what you need; everything from the B-PAD to police syllogisms.

Police syllogisms are a bit of an odd duck in that they require some fancy thinking of a sort that means getting your head around a major and minor premise and then coming up with a deduction based on your police prep material. A major premise in police syllogisms is usually something that goes like this: “All police officers are well-trained.” The minor premise in this police syllogism example is “I am a police officer.” Don’t worry about having to make up police syllogisms, as examples are readily available in the Police Ready police prep material.

The deduction you would come up with in this police syllogism, after spending time with your police prep material is, “Therefore I am well trained.” So the full police syllogism in this instance would be: “All police officers are well-trained. I am a police officer and therefore I am well-trained.” While the idea of police syllogisms may be a bit daunting, they are not as hard as you might think. And, if you spend time with your police prep material, they are not hard at all.

The key to turning in a good score on your police PATI is to spend a lot of time with your police prep information, taking the free online tests at Police Ready and practicing your deductive reasoning skills through the use of police syllogisms. Practice makes perfect and the Police Ready system can even monitor and measure the progress of your police prep so you can easily keep track of your improvements.

If at any time you need help with your police prep material, all you have to do is ask. And yes, we will even give you help with the police syllogisms part of the PATI in advance of your actual timed test. The police officers that put the Police Ready site together have spent hundreds of hours on the police prep material online and they know what to include to help you pass your PATI. They even have a knack with the police syllogisms section, so just ask for help if you need it.

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