Acing The Police Practice Test
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Acing The Police Practice Test

If your goal is to become a police officer, then you need to know about the police practice test at Police Ready ( The brainchild of police officers and law enforcement IT specialists who have been through the police practice test, the police PATI was designed to walk you through what lies ahead for you when you take the police PATI exam.

Once you are onsite at Police Ready, you will have lots of time to read about the police practice test, and become more comfortable with the concept of the police PATI. Hundreds of hours have gone into making this system a highly educational tool that will prepare you for the police practice test. The police practice test and the police PATI are comprehensive and taken from the actual tests that the designers of Police Ready have already been through. We know first hand what you are facing.

The police practice test and the police PATI are the most up-to-date compilation of precisely what you will need to know when you take the police practice test. The police PATI is the standardized entrance exam you take prior to being accepted for training as a police recruit in Ontario. We understand you may have concerns about taking a police PATI, and that’s why Police Ready was created in the first place to shed some light onto the police practice test and the police PATI from our knowledge, experience and expertise.

The police PATI has one purpose, and that is to gauge your analytical thought processes and aptitudes for police work. What the police practice test covers includes inductive, deductive and quantitative reasoning abilities. Achieving success on the police PATI means the results are valid for three years.

Other topics included in the police PATI test relate to mathematics, matching and problem solving. The police practice test covers more than this, which is why we recommend that you join Police Ready ( and find out more about the police PATI and the police practice test.

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