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The Perks and Pay of an RCMP Officer

May 5, 2014

A large percentage of those who now serve in the RCMP report that their desire to serve and protect has been a consistent theme in their lives; long before they applied to join this storied institution, they wanted to give back to their communities and keep their neighbors safe. The RCMP prides itself on quality servicemen and women who look after the interests of individuals and enforce the law as intended, but many are not aware of how well compensated RCMP officers are for their services. It makes sense, however, when you consider that these men and women put their lives on the line for their communities each and every day. If you are curious about the salary and benefits that RCMP officers receive or if you are in training and want to know more about what to expect in the future, then continue reading.

Abstract Benefits

As a newly-inducted RCMP officer, you will receive world-class training on how to handle any and every situation in the field. Not only will this come in handy while on the job, but a variety of these skill sets will help you in your personal life, also. The dynamic work environment provided also makes it a fun career in which to be, as you will never have the same tasks to perform between any two days of the week. A sense of pride and commitment to your community can also be expected, as you will know that your actions are helping to secure and protect your neighbors, family and friends.

Concrete Benefits

The RCMP pension program is one of the best in Canada, ensuring an excellent retirement upon completion of duty. An employee assistance program also exists to serve all RCMP with life’s challenges, and job sharing opportunities can allow individual members to split time served when time away from the job is needed. Maternity leave, several weeks of vacation pay each year and life insurance also come standard with the job. In addition to all of this, you can also expect world-class healthcare access, vital training opportunities and a competitive salary system that makes your time served well worth it.


The entry level pay for RCMP officers starts at just under $51,000 per year, making it a very attractive career. After one year as a constable, your salary will increase to $71,000 and within just three years, your earnings will top out at $82,000 per year. Corporals, sergeants and inspectors earn even more, with the top pay rank being $140,000 per year for a RCMP superintendent at Step 3. For most RCMP officers, overtime pay is guaranteed and will ensure that you are rewarded aptly for any extra time spent in the field and away from your family.

Anyone who plans to serve in the field as a law enforcement officer with the RCMP can expect a wide variety of benefits and perks. Police officers are widely respected and valuable members of our society, and the RCMP pays these individuals accordingly. With great benefit comes great responsibility, however, so you must be sure to bring your best attitude and energy to the job in order to protect others and serve well alongside your partners.

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