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RCMP Cadet Training Basics

April 21, 2014

Training for and applying to the Royal Canadian Mountain Police can take time and dedication, but this process is just the beginning if you are formally accepted to join their ranks. While you may have passed the profiling tests with flying colors and aced the written exams, the real work begins once you have been accepted. All individuals who are accepted into the RCMP are required to undergo cadet training, which occurs in Saskatchewan and lasts approximately six months. You may already be familiar with this part of the process from doing your homework on the matter, but the finer details may still be a bit cloudy. We will answer many of the most commonly-asked questions about this process of acceptance in the following article.

The Beginnings

Individuals who have been accepted into the cadet training program will be sent to Regina, Saskatchewan to begin a 24-week training process before they can become full-fledged members of the RCMP. Upon arriving, you will be grouped up with other cadets and assigned to a troop consisting of 32 individuals. This process has been used for decades and is known as a great way to blend various personalities together that will ensure proper working relationships with people from all walks of life once you are in the field.

Pay and Accommodations

While there, you will be paid by the RCMP for your time. The current stipend for cadets in training is $500 per week and will be paid each week for up to 24 weeks, for a total of $12,000. This payment isn’t impacted much during your stay, as your room, board, food, clothing, travel and any training related expenses are also covered by the RCMP during this time. If you have ever served in a branch of the armed services, then you are familiar with the general way this works. If you withdraw from the program, however, you may be liable for any payments received. Usually, health-related issues are exempted from this.


During the 24 weeks, you will cover a variety of subjects that you can expect to encounter in the real world as a police officer. You will cover areas such as applied police sciences, police driving techniques, firearm safety and proper handling, physical fitness and defensive tactics to keep you safe while out and about on call. You will also be privy to case studies, lectures, discussions and presentations that help you determine what the best course of action for any situation that may arise is. The overall training program is designed to take a fledgling law enforcement enthusiast and turn that person into a law enforcement officer with professional skills in a matter of months.

If you are accepted as a potential cadet, you can expect a thorough and grueling training process to follow your acceptance. Once you are finished, however, you will be ready to hit the streets with the best of them and begin your career as an RCMP officer. Those who want to be fully prepared for these training sessions would be well-advised to take advantage of one or more of our available training courses on these subjects.

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