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Learn About PATI Exam And Some Useful Tips!

January 30, 2014

PATI Exam is a tough one that can make you weak in the knees. This is a regular exam held in Ontario. The test is designed by subject matter experts and some professionals who have years of experience in the same field.

They examine the candidate whether or not they deserve the position. They examine your analytical abilities and your ability to handle certain situations in appropriate way. The exam also contains some questions that will challenge your aptitude level by exercises etc. They will examine you whether you are capable enough to be part of police.

Other thing that they look for is masculine body, healthy physic and your body fitness level. The exam duration is 90 minutes and during that course of time you have to answer the questions related to inductive and deductive reasoning as well as quantitative reasoning. The exam also includes topics like matching, series, problem, math, map reading and syllogisms etc. The result you get after clearing the exam remains valid up to 3 years and if you cross the limit, you have to give exam again. The candidates who pass the exam are eligible for the training etc.

If you prepare well for the written examination then you will feel more confident and can easily clear the exam. Remember one thing; keep your paper clean with good and readable handwriting. If you want to get into police department then PATI Exam is the only way, and you’ll have to prepare yourself for the worst.

Here are the Tips that will help you prepare for PATI Test

Find out what are your strengths and weakness. You can find out this by testing your own abilities by giving a written exam to yourself. Once you understand your weakness it would be easy for you to overcome it.

Identify the type of learners you are. We all have different ways to study and learn things. Some of us can understand things with the help of visuals, some understands by listening and for some it is writing.

Manage your time to study; studying just few days before your exam is not at all a good idea. We all have different learning abilities; some of you may take a week to learn the particular topic whereas some of you may take a month to learn the same. So, it is really important to manage the time according to your syllabus so that you get enough time to prepare. Practice makes you perfect

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