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WCT Test Information and Tips

January 14, 2014

Guide On Written Communication Test

There are lots of people who want to become a police officer. Different people have different reasons; some want to serve their community and some would like to have the respect that comes with the job. It is a very noble profession and there are lots of benefits of clearing a written police test. There are lots of people who make very good officers but are not really good at tests. Lots of people struggle a lot and many end up failing it. WCT Exam is not easy to clear and you will be requiring a lot of help. On the website you are going to get enough information.

Purpose of the exam

The purpose of the written communication test is to appraise the ability of an individual to write a concise and clear manner. On the website you can get the information on the WCT. It is important that you get all the information because becoming a police officer is not easy and it is important that you have complete information regarding writing reports and taking notes. Otherwise your one mistake can create a lot of problems.

What is included in the test?

The Written communication test includes a scenario in which several facts are presented to the candidates which are disorganized and do not have any particular order. The candidates have to reconstruct the whole scenario and develop logical conclusions on the information that is provided. It is not as simple as it may look.  These tests are going to determine your capabilities and skills of solving problems. One needs to be quick, fast and efficient in that. Make sure that you are using correct spellings and grammar and also make sure that you are wetting everything in a clear handwriting so that your examiners are able to read it carefully. Make sure that you are using good use of the paragraphs and avoid clustering the written material.


You will get one hour to complete the exam and it is valid for the 3 years. In case you are not able to clear it in the one attempt then you will get another two chances. For the subsequent attempts it is important to give a break of six months before you can rewrite it. On the website you will find WCT Test material which you can use to prepare for the exam. From the webs

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