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PATI Test Preperation Tips

January 6, 2014

Becoming a Police Officer in Ontario is a career choice, not a job. As with any career, you need to take it seriously. How serious you study for your PATI test only exemplifies how serious you would take your career as a Police officer as well. As a Police officer you would continuously be learning, and taking training courses to enhances your knowledge and skills. So get in the habit of always learning new content and skills. As with any learning objective pace yourself to study, and take in as much information as you can before letting it settle in.

If you want to do well on your Ontario PATI test as yourself:

1) What areas of the PATI test are my strengths and which ones are my weakness?

This can be found out by doing a diagnostic exam. Once you understand your weakenss area’s study those areas.

2) What type of learner are you?

Each person studies differently. Some people are visual, while others are oral (meaning they need to listen in order to learn).  Depending on your study method, create a plan a study.

3) How much time do I need to study?

Don’t study a week before your test. Depending on your diagnostic test, pace yourself. Some people can understand the material in a month while others need a more time. It is important to give yourself plenty of time to truly understand the concepts on the test.

Remember the more practice you get, the more comfortable you will becoming on your actually PATI test sitting. So start early and Goodluck.





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