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Joining the Police Force Is Tough

October 19, 2013

There are ups and downs in every job and for a police officer’s job is not an exception. However, one should not compare this career with others because it is special in its own way. An officer encounters many challenges in the line of his or her duty, which makes the job very demanding. Right from training one has to go through positive as well as negative aspects.  That is why you have to be fully decided when you want to join a police academy and eventually graduate into a police officer.

You Have To Strive To Get Through

There are no two ways to get into the police force, you have to work hard to convince the recruiters that you have what it takes to be one of them – them because the recruiters are also police officers who are allocated the job of determining who is fit to join the force and who should be allowed through. Your physical fitness has to be 100% okay, and you have to be emotionally and mentally fit. You will be allowed to join the training program if you meet these requirements, but the challenges do not end there. Your level of education will be scrutinized although this will depend on the state that you are in. all the states have differing education requirements. However, a high school diploma is a must have if you are to join the police force in any state. The additional credentials that are required by some states are a related degree and any other qualifications that will be relevant for the job.

Do You Trust Your Behaviors?

An ideal candidate has to be well behaved and his or her age should not be less that 21 years. Ensure you have a clean criminal record because even the slightest mistakes that you may have done as a minor will count and may disqualify you. On top of these requirements, you will need to sit for and pass a written exam, because you will be doing a lot of report writing. All the activities you do while on duty have to be recorded in reports, and in this exam, you need to show your ability to do it.

The duration of training in the academy will take you about 26 weeks, which will be a period that you will have to endure vigorous and exhaustive training. If you have the will to join the police force you will have to accept to handle the challenges, otherwise you will need to try another career.

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