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Police Ready Challenge #7

August 7, 2009

You’ve been called to a drug house because someone identified a most wanted suspect as being inside. You arrive on the scene and are greeted with a hail of bullets.

What would you do in this instance?

1) Take cover and get your weapon at the ready?
2) Return fire?
3) Call for assistance?

Based on your selected option, here are brief descriptions that explains the outcome of each option.

1) Good option, as you have to assess the situation before making any further decisions.
2) Bad decision, you have no idea who will walk into range, as this is in a residential neighbourhood.
3) Good option in combination with the first one, as you will need more than one cruiser and two armed officers to handle a drug house shoot out.

You’ve been there for a few hours and nothing has happened, then all of a sudden a neighbour runs up to you and yells that the suspect was climbing out the back window of the house and would probably head for the alley.

What would you do in this instance?

1) Immediately bolt from your position to go check?
2) Radio other cars in the area with this information?
3) Lob tear gas into the house?

Based on your selected option, here are brief descriptions that explains the outcome of each option.

1) Not a good idea. You have no clue if there is anyone else in the house that would delight in using you for target practice. The house may be quiet, but you have no idea if there is a gun trained on you or not.
2) Good option, as the other officers in the area have already surrounded the place and will be able to corner him as he flees on foot.
3) This is a so-so option. While you could do this to flush out anyone else, it is a waste of time in terms of trying to apprehend the suspect you want to arrest.

Joshua Mok
Police Ready

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