August 7, 2009 | Police Ready
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Home / Archive: 07. August 2009

Summer Sale Special

Last Updated: August 7, 2009

How are you spending your summer? Our Police Ready program can help jumpstart your police career this summer! The Police Ready program is an online police preparation program. You can access our police training material anywhere at any time as long as you have Internet access, which means you can study at your own convenience [….]

New Interactive Menu

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Have you seen our new interactive menu? If you haven’t, then visit our Police Ready homepage and click on the “Get Started” button on the tab menu. Our new interactive menu is designed to easily show you the different types of police practice tests that are included in the Police Ready Membership. Keep an eye [….]

Police Ready Challenge #7

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You’ve been called to a drug house because someone identified a most wanted suspect as being inside. You arrive on the scene and are greeted with a hail of bullets. What would you do in this instance? 1) Take cover and get your weapon at the ready? 2) Return fire? 3) Call for assistance? Based [….]

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