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Hey Lady, You're a Cop?

June 16, 2009

Yes indeed, hey lady IS a cop, and a darn good one at that. She spent hundreds of hours of blood, sweat and tears becoming a police officer. She knows what she is doing, is good at what she does, and has a way about her that seems to diffuse tense situations.

She has attitude, gumption and smarts. She wades into situations and seems to be able to diffuse them through the use of negotiation rather than the use of physical means. She is a darn clever lady and one cop to be reckoned with, and so is her partner, a male. The whole issue here is not whether it is right or wrong to have women policing. The issue is whether the women are able to do the job of policing effectively, and the answer is a resounding YES.

What’s really going on here is the archaic attitudes that some people have been brought up with, the idea that women’s place is in the home. Women started joining police forces in the 1960’s and the numbers have risen dramatically since then. Women have a different communication style than men. While that may seem obvious to some, it is even more evident on the job where they seem to have a “magic touch” in diffusing tense situations.

Take for instance domestic disputes that police hate because they are such highly volatile situations. When a women cop hits the door her internal radar identifies with the family situation and with the female in trouble. She doesn’t forget that first and foremost she is a cop, but she does intuitively “get” what’s really going on in the argument.

She understands, one woman to another, issues that not all males comprehend. This isn’t to say that male police offices aren’t effective in domestic situations, because they are. They just have a different method of communicating, usually one that is more physical in nature, while the female officer will strive for negotiating. Is this right or wrong?

There is no right or wrong here. No one cop is better than another cop point of view. The fact of the matter is that these two “people” that are also cops, work well and effectively together as a team. Neither is better than the other. They are a combination of skills that are blended to handle situations they face together. We’re talking humans helping humans when policing help is needed.

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