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And Now Those Bearcat Tests

April 6, 2009

All the tests you take when you are going for the police exam are going to intimidate you if you don’t take the time to find out about them. Once you do know about them, and then work on the areas you need help in, no problem. This is one of the major reasons you need to be joining the Police Ready site. Information on all the tests you will be taking is there for the asking.

Not only do we have the information you need to write a deadly good exam, we have tips and tactics that will teach you the tricks of the trade. We’ve been there and done these exams ourselves, so we definitely know how much of a dither you are in when it comes to knowing how to write your police exams.

Here is a tip you need to take to heart even for your day-to-day activities while you are studying for the police exams. These tips will broaden your ability to respond to the exams in an intelligent and well-versed manner. And the thing is, this is all really easy to do. First start with learning how to read and write properly.

Whoa, you just about choked on that one didn’t you? Learning how to read properly. Of course you know how to read, or you wouldn’t be reading this or learning how to study for the exams. That’s not what we mean. We mean learning how to read and retain what you have read and be able to discuss it intelligently. We’re talking about the ability to read and recall things from what you have read, such as numbers, names and places.

These kinds of things are the very things you will need when you become a police officer. Your memory can only be flexible and sharp if you exercise it, so read everything you can lay your hands on, including the daily news. Make sure you are widely read and are able to hold an intelligent conversation about the latest news. Have friends ask you about what you read and if you understand what you read well enough to explain it.

If you think this is a PITA, then consider this – the WCT test will demand you be able to take a set of highly disorganized facts and make some sense out of them and draw a logical conclusion, and yes, write it up intelligently. If you are able to do this from reading random newspaper articles or other things, and understand what you have read, then this will come as second nature to you during the WCT.

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