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So You Think You Can Police?

February 16, 2009

Are you really ready to be a certified police officer? Good question, isn’t it? And what’s the answer? While you may say yes, do you really know what is involved in becoming an Ontario police officer? If you happen to be in one of the foundation courses prior to taking the police entrance exam, then you likely have an inkling of how serious you have to be to pursue this career.

Have you spent any time trying to find out what you need to get ready for your entrance exam? Have you checked out the latest police portal with a library of police prep material to get you ready for your PATI? If you haven’t, then it’s time to browse through Police Ready and take some of our FREE exams. Find out if you are made of the right stuff.

Not everyone is police officer material simply because everyone responds differently to different situations. That’s life. Policing isn’t for everyone and you might as well realize that now rather than finding out the hard way. Wanting to be a police officer is one thing, being ready to go forward and take all the tests and pass them is another thing.

At Police Ready, we understand the complexities and the anxiety of whether or not you are making the right career choices. We’re cops and we’ve been down this road already. That’s why the Police Ready site is as comprehensive as it is. We have new training materials and tips added all the time, and we will be having a huge addition in the upcoming month. So we encourage you to take the time to try out our free practice tests as many times as you want, and if you like it, then feel fee to pass it along to your friends as well.

Police Ready isn’t just a site with information on it. It’s a community of officers who put this site together to help you on your journey to reaching your goal of being a cop. We are there to help you, and all you have to do is ask.

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