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Good Cops Don't Grow On Trees

February 2, 2009

It’s true, good cops don’t grow on trees. They don’t just spring into action, ready to go out and do a tough policing job overnight. No, they sweat blood and shed tears to become a cop, and the road to that goal is littered with many hard days’ nights. It’s a tough, hard job that has its moments of sheer terror, extreme hilarity and somewhere in between those two extremes, a sense of being in the right place.

You know in your heart that you want to be a cop and that is why you are even reading this blog and you may even be enrolled in one of the police foundation courses offered in Ontario. You also know you need to plan to succeed, as you don’t become a police officer just because you want to be one. You need a refined study method that offers you what you need to know in an easy-to-understand format that also provides you with support – as in when you have a question to ask, someone takes the time to answer it for you.

If you’re looking for an online site that has the material you need to get ready for the police PATI, then look no further than Police Ready. It’s a comprehensive police portal updated daily and contains all the police prep information you need.

Take a gander around the site and make it a point to take the FREE online tests you find. They’re there to give you an idea of how the actual test will be when you get to the real timed entrance exam later. These exams were all taken by the police officers that run this online portal, and they know precisely what you have to study to make it. If they can do it, so can you.

Here’s a tip you definitely need to know. The online exams are available for you to take as many times as you want. This lets you get comfortable with their format and the approach you should take to answer the questions. Remember, we’ve been there and done that. We’re here to help.

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