The Role of the Mounted Police
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The Role of the Mounted Police

Are you hesitating making a decision about a career in the police? Perhaps you need to know a little more about the Royal Canadian Police and their role?

Ok let me try and explain more about what the Mounties do and their history.

The Royal Canadian Police was created in 1920 when the Royal Northwest Mounted Police (founded 1873) and the Dominion Police (founded 1868) merged. The royal prefix was given by King Edward VII in 1904. Women were only allowed to join the force as regular members in 1974.

Essentially the Royal Canadian Police is the national police force of Canada. It is responsible for enforcing federal laws throughout the country. Constitutionally the provinces and territories are responsible for general law and order. However, most provinces have contracted most or all of their provincial policing responsibilities to the Royal Police. The two exceptions are Ontario and Quebec.

Some tourists may think that all Canadian police workers wear the world famous Mountie red tunic, dark blue trousers and brown Stetson hat. The “Review Order” is worn by mounted troop performing the Musical Ride, which is an equestrian drill performed to music. Day to day uniforms consist of a grey shirt, dark blue tie, dark blue trousers with gold strapping, patrol boots and a cap.

It’s a good look and in my humble opinion a darn good job.

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