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Police Ready Challenge #8

Last Updated: August 21, 2009

You are chasing a robbery suspect carrying a gun around a building and see him jump into a car and take off. The car is heading in your direction and you think you could get off a shot before it gets to you. You need to hit the tires and make sure it stops the [….]

Police Ready Challenge #7

Last Updated: August 7, 2009

You’ve been called to a drug house because someone identified a most wanted suspect as being inside. You arrive on the scene and are greeted with a hail of bullets. What would you do in this instance? 1) Take cover and get your weapon at the ready? 2) Return fire? 3) Call for assistance? Based [….]

Police Ready Challenge #6

Last Updated: July 27, 2009

You’ve been called to a domestic dispute and the wife is under the influence of some kind of psychedelic drug and is bouncing off the walls. She is waving a switchblade in the air and obviously knows how to use it. She comes at you and your partner, slashing in wide arcs just as her [….]

Police Ready Challenge #5

Last Updated: July 20, 2009

You are chasing a suspect down the street after he has robbed a bank. You have not taken your gun out of your holster, but are thinking about reaching for it when the suspect suddenly stops about 30 feet from you and points his firearm directly at you. What would you do in this situation? [….]

Police Ready Challenge #4

Last Updated: July 13, 2009

The downtown core is a dandy place for hookers. The high stroll and the low stroll; they each have their own territory staked out. The low stroll usually prefers to hang out in areas close to a residential neighborhood, as it gives the johns a chance to look a bit more respectable while cruising the [….]

Police Ready Challenge #3

Last Updated: July 6, 2009

Dispatch gets a report of a home invasion in progress. The address is in a part of town that is famous for their dead end streets and cul de sacs. The report is that there are 3 young teens involved and they appear to have weapons. The caller is not sure what type of weapons [….]

Police Ready Challenge #2

Last Updated: June 29, 2009

It’s Saturday night and the bars are still open celebrating a big football win. The fans are totally inebriated and getting rowdy, spilling out into the streets to take their celebration outside and down the main thoroughfare. There is a lot of pushing and shoving going on, and arguing over who the MVP of the [….]

Police Ready Challenge

Last Updated: June 22, 2009

Are you ready for a challenge? We will be posting a Police Ready challenge on our blog each week to see if you really are Police Ready. Each challenge will consist of a brief description of a crime scenario. The purpose of the challenge is to put you into the role of a police officer [….]

Police Ready Challenge #1

Last Updated:

A Police Ready Challenge is a weekly challenge posted on our Police Ready blog which tests viewers such as yourself, on your cognitive reasoning and judgment as a police officer at a crime scene. This week will feature our first challenge, so let’s kick start our Police Ready Challenge with a bank robbery scenario. You’ve [….]

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