BPAD - Behavioural Personnel Assessment Device, Practice tests
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BPAD – Behavioural Personnel Assessment Device

You may only write the BPAD if you have already successfully passed the PATI (Ontario), WCT (Ontario), and PREP tests. In the BPAD test, you will be given 20 minutes to watch a video simulation on a TV monitor. The video simulation will present a scenario which police constables would experience on the job, and you will be required to respond as if the people on the screen are actually talking to you. Knowledge of police procedures is not required and will not be part of the grading criteria. This test is an assessment to measure how you will respond to everyday police scenarios.

A successful result remains valid for three years.

Our Strategy

Police Ready provides you with the skills necessary to successfully complete your BPAD. Our proven program includes pointers, tips, solutions and sample incorrect solutions that no one else provides. We know that with enough practice, and the confidence to know how to address each BPAD scenario, our students can successfully pass their BPAD test.

Below is a sample BPAD scenario.

What Premium BPAD Material we offer:

Behavioural Personnel Assessment Device (BPAD) Prep

  • 5 full-length BPAD 3-step Practice Video Exams
  • 3-Step Exams include:
    • One video with Scenario
    • One video with sample correct response from a current Police Officer
    • One video with possible incorrect responses that may be said
  • 6 additional police BPAD Tests Videos with explanations on how to response
  • 6 additional police BPAD written Tests with sample correct response from a current Police Officer

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