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From Police Exam Preparation to Simulation

October 27, 2009

You can expect to hear some exciting news from Police Ready soon! Police Ready has partnered with Intellitest, a training application provider, to implement many new improvements in our training application. Of course, we have considered your feedback when making these changes, and you will find the result to be a much more user-friendly police training program.

At Police Ready, our goal is to help ALL of our members to pass their police examinations. We understand that there are many factors that contribute to a passing score on an exam. Apart from providing our members with quality police training material and practice test questions, we have taken into consideration the different studying habits and examination writing approaches when developing our newly improved Police Ready training program. That is why we have spent a lot of time analyzing the police examination requirements and procedures in order to replicate the police examination writing experience as accurately as possible onto your web browser.

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