Police Ready Challenge #3 | Police Ready - PATI WCT BPAD JIBC Wonderlic Royal Canadian Police RPAT Manitoba Peel Region GATB
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Police Ready Challenge #3

July 6, 2009

Dispatch gets a report of a home invasion in progress. The address is in a part of town that is famous for their dead end streets and cul de sacs. The report is that there are 3 young teens involved and they appear to have weapons. The caller is not sure what type of weapons or if the teens are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

You and your partner arrive at the scene and the house is located right at the middle point of a cul de sac, and the only way in and out of it, is the road you are on. You see the teens running out of the house, jump into a car and burn rubber to get out of there pronto.

What do you do in this situation?

1) Block the exit to the cul de sac with your police cruiser?
2) Give chase through a residential neighborhood?
3) Call dispatch and ask for a roadblock/spike belt once you have an idea where the suspects are heading?

Based on your selected option, here are brief descriptions that explains the outcome of each option.

1) Not a good option. The results of a crash would mean two officers without an operative vehicle and three teens on the loose bearing arms if not some serious injuries. This is a highly volatile and dangerous situation, since it is in a residential neighborhood and innocent people could be harmed.
2) Not a good option, as this places too many innocent people at risk of being harmed.
3) This is your best option, as you are able to follow the suspects and get a good idea of where they are headed. Keep dispatch appraised of your progress so other police vehicles are able to join in the pursuit and roadblock. Chances are you may be able to have another cruiser get ahead of the suspect’s vehicle and place a spike belt at a strategic location.

Joshua Mok
Police Ready

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